
Do you like wine? - Check
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Are you a tiny bit competitive? - Check

Blind tasting is right up your alley. Blind tasting was absolutely the first hook that got me into the wine industry. I love the competitive game behind looking at a glass of wine, smelling it, tasting it, and trying to pick from the thousands of different varietals the wine could be. There is no better feeling than calling a tough wine. You aren't playing against anyone else, you are only challenging yourself.

Blind tasting is incredible, but it can be costly. Once you get the bug, you can find yourself blind tasting bottles at restaurants or going and trying a flight of 6 wines at a bar. This can be pricey...
Another issue is consistency. You are really trusting the sommelier or server at the wine bar to pick fair and "gettable" wines for you. It is the WORST when you spend 45 dollars on a flight of wines and someone serves you California Viognier, Aussie Grenache, and Off-Dry Chenin from South Africa. Yeah those are fun wines, and wines you want to try, but not necessarily every time.

After years of blind tasting all across New York City I was looking for a more affordable and consistent option. In comes SommSelect. Master Sommelier Ian Cauble is solving this problem. He travels the world looking for classic wines that he loves that he thinks are fair to blind taste. For $200 a month, he ships you 6 wines that PRE-Covered so that no one in the group has deal with knowing what the wine is. This is a huge value add as no one has to show up with wine to the event and everyone in the group is in the dark about what the 6 wines are.

Go check it out here, you won't regret it:

I've been a member for over a year now and it is always one of my favorite days of the month!


1 comment:

  1. Ian Cauble was in Somm! I didn't think he was particularly likeable in the documentary, but they might have just portrayed him that way to make the documentary more interesting. Fascinating business idea - I wonder how many subscribers he has.


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