What I learned from this class

As our quarter comes to an end, I wanted to share some of my favorite takeaways from this class, which didn't all make it into our final presentation.

- Legacy of Prohibition and the role of distributors in the US three-tier system
- The economics of wine clubs and why the US market has embraced D2C
- The economics of on-premise drinking and how the price of a glass is often the wholesale cost of a bottle
- Product placement of getting a wine sold by the glass at a high end restaurant
- Supply / demand dynamics of wine and especially the current oversupply of wine
- Risks / opportunities in winemaking such as emerging wine regions and planting new varietals in existing regions

While most of our projects seemed to be focused on wine-related products rather than running an actual winery, I loved the unparalleled access to producers during the class. Thank you Alyssa and Ilana for making this all possible!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to echo with Lisa, and comment some of my takeaways from this class.
    First of all, huge thanks to Alyssa, Ilana, and all the guest speakers for making this class possible; even though the ending was unexpected (via Zoom), the course has been very insightful and delicious.

    Key Takeaways;
    1) Overall on the wine industry: from supply surplus to the complicated regulations
    2) Entrepreneurs: many GSB alums have been successful
    3) Emerging (global) wine markets: especially through mid-term presentations
    4) Interesting trends and new ideas:especially through Maker and final presentations
    5) A lot insightful comments from classmates coming from different backgrounds
    6) Actual wines! I have taken pictures of all the wines we had. Incredible experience to get to try major Californian wines and rare wines like Aoyun!

    Also, thanks Lisa for working together on both our projects!!


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