Why I am taking this class

Growing up, wine was a frequent presence in our household with my Dad enjoying a nightly glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. As an adult, I have been able to take part in this routine and find myself growing more curious about the different varietals of wine and understanding what happened to bring the grapes from the vine to the wine section of our local supermarket. Particularly interesting to me is understanding how our local store decided which wines to stock and and therefore limit or expand the option set from which we had to choose. While there may be 50 California Cabs, there were maybe 1 or 2 Argentina Malbecs on the shelf - how was that distribution decision made and what are the implications for the exposure certain varietals / geographic regions receive? How would a new vineyard break into this distribution network and reach my Ohio supermarket? What are the implications for new vineyards and for the consumer choice set as a result of the current system? These are just some of the questions that have drawn me to this class - where I hope to better understand the nuances of this large global industry and what role I could play as a consumer and potential future investor. And of course, I also look forward to having the opportunity to sample a diverse array of excellent wines in class!

1 comment:

  1. The distribution decision (of what to distribute, how to get distributed, etc.) is a cornerstone question in this class. Keep asking it...


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