Why I'm Taking This Class

Despite being one of the leaders of the GSB's Wine Circle, I feel like I've only started to scratch the surface of the wine world.  Through taking GSBGEN 356, I am hoping to become more knowledgeable on a few facets of wine.

First, I want to develop a better understanding of how to taste and appreciate wine.  What's the proper way to utilize all senses in order to fully appreciate a wine?  What flavors and types of wines do I most enjoy?

Next, I want to better understand developing trends and consumer tastes within the wine industry.  From our first class, I was fascinated to learn about the changing preferences from old world to new world wines as well as the unique dynamics that have caused massive growth in Chinese wine production.  I hope to discover more insights like this for my own edification and to better round out my understanding of the world, as I believe these takeaways can be applied to a multitude of cases.

Finally, I'm particularly excited for the sessions on Brand Management and Corporate Strategy.  Here, I'm eager to learn of the challenges that each guest has faced in tackling these topics.  Again, I think the takeaways from this class will have a wide range of use cases and the knowledge gained will be invaluable throughout my career.   I'm also a big fan of Charles Krug and Duckhorn, so that also helps my excitement...

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