Why Take a Class on Wine?

"Can I taste the wine when it comes?" my younger brother asks my dad as we're out to dinner in Germany. As a 13 year old, he excitedly awaits a chance to be served by a waiter rather than just getting a sip here or there at home.

After the server pours a taste, my brother swirls his glass as he's seen the adults do, he checks the viscosity and color of the wine, tips the glass towards his nose to get an initial read, and then takes a delicate sip. "Hmmm it's pretty oaky." The sommelier looks surprised at my parents "he's not wrong" she comments.

Wine has always been a shared interest in my family. It fits in with what we've always enjoyed - new experiences (especially based around food) that we can share and learn from together. There is so much joy in each tasting of a new wine as one refers back to all of the scents and tastes that have been stored in memory, awaiting a chance to be recollected. Some of my aunts and uncles collect wine, while others look for opportunities to learn from the enthusiasts at parties. No matter the level of interest, everyone finds some joy and commonality in sharing food and wine, comparing notes and creating conversation. Especially as I've grown older these shared experiences color more and more of the memories I cherish.

As I have explored more of the culture around wine, I have learned about the care that vintners take in farming the fruit that becomes wine, the technological advances that result in easier sorting, the costs associated with buying barrels - just a taste of the complexity of a supply chain that has evolved over hundreds of years to enable such varied end products. I have been fascinated by the complexity of regulation that makes distribution an industry in and of itself - but I've only gained anecdotal experience. The cross-section of the service industry, regulatory frameworks, agriculture, logistics - all applied to a product that is enjoyed globally - create an incredible ecosystem all in the name of a consumable good that enables shared experiences. It's an art of an industry, and I feel as if there is a lifetime of exploration to be done in the pursuit of a hobby in wine.

In this class I hope to further my understanding of the underlying ecosystem of the wine industry and to become a more intelligent consumer, while setting me on a lifelong journey of exploration and learning. I've always considered involving myself in the wine industry at some point in the future, and I hope to learn the set of possibilities available to scratch that itch. In the meantime, I'll also continue to gather the experiences of tasting new wines from our guests!

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